Plot: Megyn Kelly, a staple of Fox News Channel's daytime lineup since joining the network in 2004, moves to prime time with this show -- which takes its title from Kelly's weekly segment on "The O'Reilly Factor" -- that focuses on breaking news and in-depth investigative reports. The show presents unique...
Plot: Co-anchors Bret Baier and Megyn Kelly provide political analysis on key races across the nation; Shepard Smith reports election results and updates; contributors include Bill Hemmer, Brit Hume, Charles Krauthammer, Chris Wallace and Ed Henry.
Plot: Megyn Kelly provides a fresh take on morning television with exclusive newsmaker interviews, inspiring stories, and an approach to the day's hot topics that will leave viewers thinking through the day. The stories Megyn covers are meant to move, and challenge what viewers may already know. It's Megyn...
Plot: Learn about Donald Trump's journey to victory as he becomes the president-elect of the United States. Also, take a look at the possible changes that will occur during his reign.
Plot: America Live with Megyn Kelly was an American news program that aired on the Fox News Channel. The show aired from February 1, 2010 to late 2013, and was hosted by Megyn Kelly, former co-host of America's Newsroom. It aired 1:00รข3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time Monday through Friday....