Plot: This two-part series follows puppies through the first two months in their new homes, a trying and sometimes shocking time, the fascinating science behind their development and behaviour is explained.
Plot: Training centres for first-time dog owners are springing up across the United Kingdom, and `Puppy School' ties in with this trend as it invites puppy parents to a bespoke school to deal with the challenges that come with bringing a puppy into their lives. Each episode chronicles the first six months...
Plot: When presenter Kate Humble was just a child, she was fascinated with the idea of becoming a nomad. The romantic notion of exploring the world's remote wilderness and being close to nature was appealing. In this three-part miniseries Humble explores what life is really like for nomadic communities around...
Plot: This three-part miniseries, hosted by Kate Humble and Patrick Aryee, explores the wildlife of Yellowstone National Park throughout significant seasonal changes. The area's winters have always been harsh but in 2016 changes reached new levels, forcing the wildlife to adapt. Humble investigates the science...
Plot: Kate Humble and Simon King follow the animals living along Zambia's Luangwa River, from the last days of the longest dry season in memory to the arrival of the rains that will change everything.
Plot: At the height of the worst wildfire season in a decade, Kate Humble and Simon Reeve travel to New South Wales, Australia to discover how the 70,000-strong Rural Firefighting Service contend with as many as 100 fires a day.
Plot: Kate Humble and Simon King report from Zambia, following the lives of the animals living along the Luangwa River at a critical time in the seasons.