Plot: Sexy Voice and Robo is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Iou Kuroda. It was originally serialized in the seinen manga magazine Spirits ZÅkan Ikki between November 2000 and December 2002, with its chapters compiled in two tankÅbon volumes. Sexy Voice and Robo is currently...
Plot: 34-year-old Miyuki is a traditional Japanese housewife, with her "salaryman" husband and a son. Although she believes her dream has come true, she secretly feels unsatisfied with the fact her life completely depends on her husband. Sumiko, Miyuki's childhood friend, is a single woman who has recently...
Plot: Suika, which means watermelon, is a Japanese television drama about four roommates, played by Satomi Kobayashi, Rie Tomosaka, Mikako Ichikawa, and Ruriko Asaoka. Wikipedia
Plot: Ishihara Santaro is an electronics salesman with a knack for entertaining customers while wearing his trademark red nose. But his actual sales are poor, and he soon gets fired. Through his former teacher, he finds a job at a hospital as a junior high teacher for children who are unable to normally attend...
Plot: Aoi Misora is a third-year nurse at a prestigious hospital. After she is involved in trouble at the Emergency Center, she is transferred to a medical ward of an affiliated hospital. Unlike her previous workplace, the medical ward is a crucial place where patients who survived the emergency room must...
Plot: A drama about a man and woman who come to know true love after unexpected circumstances cause them to live under the same roof. Singer and songwriter Tamaki Koji returns to acting after a 8 year hiatus, to star opposite Kanno Miho in this drama. Koji plays a very kind policeman; a champion of the weak...