Plot: Idol Ko si Kap is a Philippine television situational comedy series broadcast by GMA Network. Starring Bong Revilla, it premiered on September 17, 2000 on the network's KiliTV line up. The series concluded on September 3, 2005 with a total of 505 episodes. It was replaced by Hokus Pokus in its timeslot...
Plot: Sana Ay Ikaw Na Nga is a Philippine television drama romance series broadcast by GMA Network. Directed by Gil Tejada Jr., it stars Tanya Garcia and Dingdong Dantes. It premiered on December 3, 2001 replacing Sa Dako Pa Roon. The series concluded on April 25, 2003 with a total of 361 episodes. A remake...
Plot: Daddy Di Do Du is a Philippine television situational comedy series broadcast by GMA Network. Starring Vic Sotto, Maxene Magalona, Danica Sotto and Isabella de Leon, it premiered on July 1, 2001 on the network's KiliTV line up replacing 1 for 3. The series concluded on July 29, 2007. Wikipedia
Plot: All-Star K! formerly K! The 1 Million Peso Videoke Challenge is a Philippine television karaoke game show broadcast by GMA Network. Originally hosted by Arnell Ignacio, it premiered on January 13, 2002. The show concluded on October 18, 2009 with a total of 512 episodes. Jaya and Allan K. served as...
Plot: Mga Kuwento ni Lola Basyang is a 2007 Philippine television drama fantasy anthology broadcast by GMA Network. Starring Manilyn Reynes and Paul Salas, it premiered on February 4, 2007. The show concluded on August 12, 2007 with a total of 26 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Atlantika is a Philippine television drama fantasy series broadcast by GMA Network. Directed by Zoren Legaspi, it stars Dingdong Dantes. It premiered on October 2, 2006 on the network's Telebabad line up replacing Majika. The series concluded on February 9, 2007 with a total of 95 episodes. Wikipedia...
Plot: Kool Ka Lang is a Philippine television situational comedy series broadcast by GMA Network. Starring Raymart Santiago, it premiered on October 19, 1998 on the network's KiliTV line up replacing Ibang Klase. The series concluded on October 17, 2003. Wikipedia
Plot: Anna Karenina is a socialite and wife of the soon-to-be governor of St. Petersburg, who enters a life-changing love affair with Vronsky, the dashing heir of an aluminum empire. The series is set in modern day Russia, where socialite Anna Karenina, the wife of the soon-to-become governor of St. Petersburg...
Plot: **Stand Alone**Her world was color. Canvas and paint. Indie O'Connell lived inside her head. Her voices the muse. And as a freshman at St. Peter's College, all she wanted, was to create a name for herself with the brush in her hand.His world was over. Despite his humble upbringing, Kai Carter seemed...
Plot: Nuts Entertainment is a Philippine television sketch comedy show broadcast by GMA Network. Starring Joey de Leon, Janno Gibbs and Anjo Yllana, it premiered on April 30, 2003 on the network's KiliTV line up. The show concluded on December 27, 2008 with a total of 608 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Kung Mamahalin Mo Lang Ako is a Philippine television drama romance series broadcast by GMA Network. Directed by Ruel S. Bayani, it stars Marian Rivera, Ehra Madrigal and Camille Prats. It premiered on August 15, 2005 replacing Saang Sulok ng Langit. Wikipedia
Plot: Sabado Badoo is a 2015 Philippine television comedy anthology broadcast by GMA Network. Hosted by Betong Sumaya and Sef Cadayona, it premiered on March 14, 2015. The show concluded on July 25, 2015 with a total of 20 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Bahay Mo Ba 'To? is a situational comedy series broadcast by GMA Network. Starring Wendell Ramos, it premiered on September 14, 2004 on the network's KiliTV line up. The series concluded on July 10, 2007 with a total of 148 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Ang Mahiwagang Baul is a Philippine television drama fantasy anthology broadcast by GMA Network. Starring Eissen Bayubay, Sandy Talag and Carme Sanchez, it premiered on July 17, 2005. The show concluded on January 28, 2007 with a total of 75 episodes. Wikipedia