Plot: Mary Berry is back in all of her baking glory in this heartwarming and entertaining series that shines a light on some of Britain's most extraordinary home cooks. Together with chef Angela Hartnett and produce expert Chris Bavin, the trio will be selecting themes of increasing difficulty, designed...
Plot: A panel of chefs answer cooking-related questions from members of the studio audience, comprised of food fanatics and aspiring cooks, in each episode of `Cooks' Questions'. Each of the featured chefs has a fully functioning kitchen station that can be used to demonstrate techniques and share secrets...
Plot: Teams face a challenge to prepare home-cooked meals and also market their menu to the hungry diners, in exchange of a hefty reward. The team that makes the maximum money gets a treat with the profits.
Plot: In this simple-to-follow cookery course for people of all ages and abilities, Delia returns to the very roots of cooking to look at the techniques and the staple ingredients which underline the best traditions of British cookery. There are many irresistible reasons to join Delia Smith's cookery...
Plot: Self-taught chef Raymond Blanc presents this show that aims to help home cooks learn to make good food using various cooking techniques because Blanc believes that becoming a good cook is all about mastering the basic techniques. In each episode, he focuses on a different technique and highlights five...