Plot: Las FierbinÈi is a Romanian sitcom that premiered on Pro TV on March 1, 2012, created by Mimi BrÄnescu, and directed by DragoÈ Buliga and Constantin Popescu. Set in a rural place FierbinÈi, the series follows the social and romantic lives of the inhabitants from...
Plot: Românii au talent is a TV show which began airing on 18 February 2011. The project acts as a Romanian version of the franchise Got Talent, developed by Simco Limited. Wikipedia
Plot: Ferma vedetelor is the current Romanian version of the reality television show The Farm based on the Swedish television series of the same name that was originally created in 2001 by Strix and produced in association with Sony Entertainment and Endemol. The series premiered on March 9, 2015 on Pro...
Plot: Jurnalul TVR is the main news program of the Romanian public television network TVR, broadcast daily on TVR1, TVRi at 07:00, 14:00, 17:00, 19:00 and 22:45, and on TVR2. It broadcasts at different hours on TVR1 and TVR2, if sporting events that the two channels broadcast interfere with their usual TV...
Plot: CI5: The New Professionals is a British television action crime drama series, created and principally written by Brian Clemens, that first broadcast on Sky One on 19 September 1999. Wikipedia