Plot: Following the intertwined fates of the picture-perfect Richardson family and an enigmatic mother and daughter who upend their lives. Set in Shaker Heights, Ohio in the 1990s.
Plot: In 1989 a jogger was assaulted and raped in New York's Central Park, and five young people were subsequently charged with the crime. The quintet, labeled the Central Park Five, maintained its innocence and spent years fighting the convictions, hoping to be exonerated. This limited series spans a quarter...
Plot: Oscar winner Geoffrey Rush stars as legendary intellectual Albert Einstein in this series that tracks the famed professor's life. The story spotlights Einstein's humble origins as a young, rebellious thinker and his struggles to be recognised by the establishment of academia before finally being accepted...
Plot: Robert "Bobby" Kennedy led a political career that included serving as attorney general during the presidential administration of his brother, John, but he had greater ambitions. Those ambitions included running for president with a campaign that lasted only 83 days before he was assassinated in Los...
Plot: The criminal justice system tragically failed 16-year-old Kalief Browder, who spent three years in Rikers Island jail awaiting trial -- two of those years in solitary confinement -- after being arrested for allegedly stealing a backpack. The case was never prosecuted, the charges were ultimately dropped...
Plot: When a controversial guru builds a utopian city in the Oregon desert, it causes a massive conflict with local ranchers. This docuseries chronicles the conflict, which leads to the first bioterror attack in the United States and a massive case of illegal wiretapping. It is a pivotal, but largely forgotten...
Plot: Based on the acclaimed film of the same name, this Netflix-original series follows a group of students of color at Winchester University, a predominantly white Ivy League college. The students are faced with a landscape of cultural bias, social injustice, misguided activism and slippery politics. Through...
Plot: Oscar-winning filmmaker Errol Morris examines the 1953 death of scientist and CIA employee Frank Olson in this docudrama. Olson fell from the window of his New York City hotel room and the death was originally ruled a suicide, but a 1975 report tied his death to a top-secret experiment. The series follows...
Plot: Hip-hop music first developed in the United States in the 1970s and has steadily grown in popularity in the decades since then. This docuseries traces the genre's dynamic evolution from the beginning through the 1990s. It starts with a look at artists -- including Afrika Bambaataa and Grandmaster Flash...
Plot: Dee Dee Blanchard is overprotective of her daughter, Gypsy, who is trying to escape the toxic relationship she has with her mother. Gypsy's quest for independence opens up a Pandora's box of secrets, which ultimately leads to murder. The stranger-than-fiction true-crime series is based on a 2016 BuzzFeed...