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Judgment Day: Prison or Parole?
Description: A look at the process of parole hearings, where parole board members decide who should remain in prison, and who is safe to be released. Genre: Documentary Year Released: 1970 Number of episodes: 3 First episode air date: January 1, 1970
Plot: "Cold Case Files," one of A&E Network's most popular and successful series of all time, chronicles the re-examination of long-unsolved crimes and the journeys of law enforcement personnel who reopened them. With the use of forensic advances and new evidence, police and detectives attempt to crack the...
Plot: Ted Bundy was one of America's most notorious serial killers. He was convicted in the deaths of more than 30 women before being caught in 1978. Thirty years after Bundy's 1989 execution, this docuseries brings viewers into the mind of the criminal known as the "Jack Ripper of the United States." Oscar...
Plot: Filmmakers Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky chronicle the appeals process of three men indicted for the murders of three children in Robin Hood Hills.
Plot: Leaders, risk-takers, visionaries ... iconoclasts. The popular Sundance Channel programme celebrates the extraordinary personalities in disciplines as varied as art, cinema, music, cuisine, sports, science, business and philanthropy, with each episode pairing two talents from entirely unlike worlds...
Plot: This docuseries explores the depths of some of the world's lesser-known moments in history. Each moment that is captured is a pivotal moment that helped forge and define the character of America. In each episode, several well-known and prestigious narrators, including Jeffrey Wright, Martin Sheen,...
Plot: "Unspeakable Crime: The Killing of Jessica Chambers" brings to the forefront the gruesome and horrific murder of Jessica Chambers, a 19-year-old Mississippi teenager who was doused in gasoline and set on fire. In this active crime investigation, viewers explore Chambers' murder, giving an inside look...
Plot: Emmy-winning documentarian Joe Berlinger ("Paradise Lost" trilogy) directs and co-executive produces an eight-part docuseries about the mysterious disappearances and murders of six young women in southern Ohio. Four of the victims' bodies have been recovered, leaving residents of small-town Chillicothe...
Plot: An Oklahoma man convicted of Murder for Hire, sits on death row. Already granted a stay of execution THREE times, Glossip continues to proclaim innocence. This documentary follows Glossip's lawyers hurriedly looking to uncover new evidence before there is no more stay of execution. An Oklahoma man convicted...
Plot: On the heels of a recent United States Supreme Court ruling that mandatory life terms without the possibility of parole for juveniles is a violation of the 8th Amendment, this docuseries spotlights eight convicted child offenders who are now seeking resentencing. The focus is split between the facts...
Plot: A look at groundbreaking criminal cases, presenting viewers with an inside look at the case through the eyes of those directly involved, ranging from law enforcement officers to the victims.
Plot: In the 1980s, Henry Lee Lucas confessed to hundreds of murders, which allowed grieving families to get closure for the unsolved cases. There was no direct evidence linking Lucas to the crime scenes, but he convinced authorities of his involvement by being able to sketch victims' portraits and cite brutal...
Plot: From Emmy-winning documentarian Joe Berlinger ("Paradise Lost" trilogy), "Wrong Man" is a six-episode documentary that dissects the cases of three inmates who may have been mistakenly incarcerated for decades. Investigations headed by renowned civil rights attorney Ronald Ruby, former prosecutor Sue...