Plot: Michael Portillo, presenter of `Great British Railway Journeys', `Great Continental Railway Journeys' and `Great American Railroad Journeys', embarks on an adventure to India to experience the country through its extensive railway system. Portillo brings along with him a copy of Bradshaw's "Handbook...
Plot: A top-rated travel documentary in Finland, the adult-oriented "Madventures" is the brainchild of popular Finnish TV host Riku Rantala and compatriot Tunna Milonoff, a director and cinematographer by trade. The pair, armed with nothing by backpacks and cameras, explore the world's most obscure and insane...
Plot: In the summer of 2008, comic and actor Billy Connolly embarked on a journey from the Atlantic to the Pacific by way of a scintillatingly scenic northern Canada route. Whether by plane, rail, road or boat, Connolly takes in the sweeping landscapes along a less-inhabited path that allows him to discover...
Plot: Whenever documentary filmmakers at Discovery Channel and the BBC unite for a project, stellar television seems to follow. The breakthrough natural history series "Life" stemmed from this collaboration in 2009, and "Africa" follows suit in stunning fashion. It's narrated by actor Forest Whitaker, who...