Plot: Hatachi no Koibito tells the story of Inoue Keisuke, a married salaryman. At the age of 50, he begins thinking about his purpose in life. By chance, he encounters Sawada Yuri, a 20-year-old graphic design student full of hopes and dreams for the future. Because of her resemblance to his girlfriend from...
Plot: Renai Neet: Wasureta Koi no Hajimekata is a Japanese television drama series premiered on TBS on 20 January 2012. Yukie Nakama played the lead role. Wikipedia
Plot: The story revolves around three ordinary girls named Asahi, Nami, and Hinata who are aiming to become idols, but they repeatedly fail in their auditions. One day, they witness a serious crime, and they are forced to flee from the culprits. Fortunately, they are saved by a producer who is willing to...