Plot: Singer Peter Andre has been a presenter and reporter on various TV programmes and has also been a contestant on reality programmes. Now, he gets his own reality programme that follows him and his family in their daily lives. `Peter Andre: My Life' follows the singer and businessman as he takes on new...
Plot: Cameras follow glamour model Katie Price in the months since her split from her husband, singer Peter Andre (who also got his own post-split programme, titled "Peter Andre: The Next Chapter"). Katie copes with the aftermath of the split and prepares for single life with her children Harvey, Junior...
Plot: This lunchtime chat show features a rotating panel comprised of women from the entertainment and journalism worlds. They discuss issues from a female perspective - from politics and current affairs to the latest gossip - and meet the celebrities and faces behind the headlines.
Plot: The Big Breakfast is a British light entertainment television programme which was broadcast on Channel 4 and S4C each weekday morning from 28 September 1992 until 29 March 2002, during which period 2,482 shows were produced. Wikipedia