Plot: Michelle Dockery narrates a miniseries that captures Japan's ecologically rich landscapes, from the snow-topped mountains to the subtropical coral reefs. The natural activity of the country's wildlife, animals and people are filmed over various seasons through extreme climates and powerful forces. The...
Plot: Presenter Alan Titchmarsh travels to eight key landscapes in Britain to explore the relationships between each different environment and the creatures that make that spot their home. Beginning with an overview of the island, Titchmarsh moves into the farmland, with its fields, meadows and hedgerows...
Plot: WILD is an unforgettable expedition across diverse landscapes of Africa exploring the fascinating lives of their extraordinary inhabitants. This 6-part series showcases the vast expanse of infinite beauty, breathtaking scenery and wildlife spectacles that this exciting continent has to offer. This colourful...
Plot: Filmed over the span of three years in India's Pench National Park, this wildlife series incorporates the ingenious use of `trunk cams', cameras held by elephants' trunks, to follow four newborn tiger cubs all the way to adulthood. Because the jungle cats were accustomed to being around elephants,...
Plot: In this nature program, wildlife cameraman Gordon Buchanan sets out to do something that has not been done before -- follow a wild family of polar bears over the course of three seasons. Gordon travels by boat, along with arctic survival experts, to Svalbard, an archipelago in northern Norway. Upon...
Plot: `New Zealand: Earth's Mythical Islands' is a documentary narrated by actor Sam Neill. The miniseries captures the wildlife of New Zealand's remote island chain where nature has been left undisturbed since the age of the dinosaurs. Episodes reveal the exotic and ancient creatures that inhabit the mysterious...