Plot: Host Ana Hickmann welcomes a great variety of music stars to thrill the audience. Curious facts about animals, science, fashion and handcrafts are also presented. Astonishing magic tricks amaze the public. Ana also gives a chance for those who wish to win some money and prizes, as well as to enjoy themselves...
Plot: HBO's decidedly adult animated comedy series ventures into the nether regions of Earth's least inhabitable environment, New York City, which is home to a motley crew of downtrodden creatures. Whether it's lovelorn rats, gender-questioning pigeons or aging bedbugs in the midst of a midlife crisis, the...
Plot: Eddie Arlette is a down-on-his-luck New York police detective. Dumped by his girlfriend and responsible for a drug bust gone bad, Eddie is sent to England with his rambunctious dog, Pete, to clean up the mess he made from his botched narcotics sting. During Eddie's first week, he contends with a host...
Plot: Xuxa no Mundo da Imaginação was a Brazilian children's television series hosted by Xuxa Meneghel at Globo TV, shown Monday through Friday between October 28, 2002 and December 31, 2004. Wikipedia