Plot: This mockumentary-style comedy drama follows a group of outsiders living on the fringe of society. At the group's core is Derek Noakes, a tender, innocent man who works at a retirement home. Derek's love for his job and the people he cares for is evident in everything he does. Derek, who is in his 40s...
Plot: News site Vox is behind this series that puts the spotlight on topical issues that impact people's lives. The docuseries -- which features episodes that generally range from 15 to 20 minutes in length -- aims to dig deeper into topics, questions and ideas that aren't often part of the daily news cycle...
Plot: In her first special since 2003, the comic revisits her road to stardom and details the heartfelt -- and hilarious -- lessons she has learned along the way; at Benaroya Hall in Seattle.
Plot: Flight of the Conchords is a New Zealand comedy duo composed of musicians Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement. The duo's comedy and music became the basis of a BBC radio series and then an American television series that aired for two seasons on HBO. Wikipedia
Plot: Exploring Humboldt's marijuana farms - both legal and illegal - and providing a glimpse into what it takes for an outlaw farmer to cross over to the legal market.
Plot: Comic Jerry Seinfeld is the creator, executive producer and host of this unique series that features vintage cars, funny conversations and a lot of caffeine. Jerry picks up each guest in a special car -- including the likes of a 1977 Volkswagen camper bus, a 1978 AMC Gremlin, a 1964 Studebaker Avanti...
Plot: Dan is a teacher who may be less mature than his students - he can best be described as a child trapped in an adult's life - and his world is nearing a collapse. His friends are dysfunctional, including best friend Jo, who has just a loose grasp on reality. His girlfriend, Naomi, is quickly running...
Plot: Set in the 1970s, this animated raunchy comedy is inspired by the life of stand-up comic Bill Burr, who is a co-creator and executive producer of the series. Burr also voices the character of Frank Murphy, a short-tempered veteran who lives in the suburbs with his wife, Sue (Laura Dern) and their three...
Plot: Comic Norm Macdonald first made a name for himself on "Saturday Night Live" in the 1990s as anchor of the show's popular "Weekend Update" segment. Since leaving the late-night staple in 1998, the comic has appeared in various TV shows and movies and hosted his own podcast on which he, along with sidekick...
Plot: In case it wasn't evident from the title, Joel McHale hosts this weekly series that takes a look at pop culture and news through celebrity guests, comedy sketches and video clips. The premise is reminiscent of one of McHale's former projects, "The Soup," but being on Netflix instead of basic cable...
Plot: "The Daily Show" alumnus Hasan Minhaj gets the spotlight to himself -- and his name in the title -- on this Netflix original series. The Peabody Award-winning comic explores the modern cultural and political landscape with depth and sincerity. In each weekly episode, he uses his unique comedic voice...
Plot: Comic Jack Whitehall and his father, Michael, are like an odd couple -- the son is jovial and the patriarch is stuffy. So traveling together makes for an interesting dynamic, as viewers experience in this travelogue series. Jack invites Michael to go with him on a trip through Southeast Asia in an attempt...
Plot: Magician Justin Willman blends good-natured magic with grown-up laughs in this series that sends him out on the streets and into locations like schools to baffle unsuspecting people. He aims to wow the marks as he performs the tricks and illusions in front of them, with no camera tricks to assist him...
Plot: In the fall of 1997, Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls allowed a film crew to follow them as they went for their sixth NBA title in eight seasons. That resulted in a stunning portrait of one of the sport's most iconic athletes and a celebrated team. "The Last Dance" follows the Bulls' 1997-98 season...
Plot: For more than 30 years, David Letterman came into viewers' homes every weeknight, first as host of "Late Night," then on "Late Show." But his fans won't have to stay up late to catch his first major project since retiring from the late-night scene -- hosting a Netflix-original talk show. As the title...
Plot: This stand-up comedy series gives up-and-coming comics a chance to showcase their best jokes. Each episode features a different comic performing a 15-minute set on stage in front of a live audience. The performers may not be household names, but they are likely familiar to fans of the stand-up circuit...
Plot: Tony had a perfect life -- until his wife Lisa died. After that tragic event, the formerly nice guy changed. After contemplating taking his life, Tony decides he would rather live long enough to punish the world by saying and doing whatever he likes. He thinks of it as a superpower -- not caring about...
Plot: Nova Scotia's trailer parks are colorful thanks to residents Ricky, Bubbles and Julian. Together, they plan mad capers, usually get-rich-quick schemes, with plenty of screw-ups along the way. They're constantly being hunted by their former trailer park supervisor, Jim Lahey, and his perpetually shirtless...
Plot: In her first special since 2003, the comic revisits her road to stardom and details the heartfelt -- and hilarious -- lessons she has learned along the way; at Benaroya Hall in Seattle.
Plot: It takes time and hard work for comics to reach the point of their careers where they are household names -- if they ever achieve that stature. Prior to reaching that level of fame, comics usually spend a lot of time in comedy clubs honing their craft and trying to get noticed by others in the industry...
Plot: This series of half-hour stand-up comedy performances features comics who explore the coarse and salacious side of comedy. Each episode of the show, filmed in front of a live audience in Las Vegas, features a roughly 30-minute set from a single performer who -- as is often the case with stand-ups --...
Plot: Actor Tim Robinson stars in this sketch comedy series -- which he also co-created -- that sees him trying to get people to go away. In each segment, Robinson and his guests do whatever they can to try to drive someone to the point that they need -- or desperately want -- to leave. Robinson spent several...
Plot: Comic Jeff Ross has made such a name for himself hurling insults at others -- all in good fun, of course -- at roasts that he has earned the nickname "Roastmaster General" for how prolific he is at it. Now he is joined by fellow comic Dave Attell in a three-part event that sees the good friends roasting...
Plot: Comedy duo Thomas Middleditch and Ben Schwartz improvise performances based on audience suggestions, from NYU Skirball Center for the Performing Arts in New York City.
Plot: Netflix takes stand-up comedy global with this series that features a diverse group of comics from 13 regions around the world. Dozens of comics perform, bringing their unique perspectives of what is funny around the world. The comics, who represent eight languages, hail from such nations as South Africa...
Plot: This documentary tells the story of modern America through the life of one man -- President Donald Trump. The four-episode series shows how he has embodied many of the movements that have shaped American society since the 1960s, including capitalism, political disenfranchisement, reality TV and social...
Plot: Nobody is safe from the insults thrust at them by "Roastmaster General" Jeff Ross -- even if they're dead. Ross and some of his comedic friends don period-appropriate garb to roast historical figures in this anachronistic comedy series. Other historical figures, who have some connection to the roastee...