Plot: Bohubrihi was one of the most popular drama serials ever aired on Bangladesh Television. The bangla word Bohubrihi means the multiple dimension of anything and here it means the mystery of life. The story was written by famous author, dramatist, screenwriter, playwright and filmmaker Humayun Ahmed....
Plot: Songsoptok is a drama serial which aired on Bangladesh Television. It was first filmed in the year 1971, but filming was stopped after just four episodes as the liberation war started in March. After many years, filming restarted in 1988; but it was put on hold yet again after the widespread floods...
Plot: Shomoyer Kotha, which translates to Talk of the Time, is a talk show on Bangladesh Television, the state-owned television network in Bangladesh. The programme is planned and hosted by Syed Munir Khasru, a faculty member of Institute of Business Administration, Dhaka University and is directed by Abdun...
Plot: Notun Kuri is a Bangladeshi reality television competition series for child artistes created by Mustafa Monwar. The show debuted in 1966 which ran on Pakistan Television from 1966 to 1971. After the independence of Bangladesh, the competition was relaunched and ran on Bangladesh Television from 1976...
Plot: Ei Shob Din Ratri is a 1985 Bengali Family-Drama written by Humayun Ahmed and aired on BTV. The drama tells the story of a middle-class joint family that lives in the capital city Dhaka. The drama shows the happiness, love, marriage, deaths and troubles a middle-class family in Bangladesh faces in...
Plot: Kothao Keu Nei is a Bangladeshi television series written by Humayun Ahmed, which aired on Bangladesh Television in the 1990s about the struggles of the gangster Baker Bhai. Wikipedia
Plot: Mati O Manush, originally called Amar Desh, was a pioneering television programme in Bangladesh Television. The programme started in the mid-1980s and focused on the agricultural sector of Bangladesh. The show was jointly hosted by Rezaul Karim Siddique and Shykh Seraj. Wikipedia
Plot: Ityadi is a popular magazine television programme in Bangladesh created and presented by Hanif Sanket that airs on Bangladesh Television. It is the most popular and one of the longest running shows on Bangladeshi television. Wikipedia
Plot: Shahrzad narrates stories from the Arabian Nights, a collection of folk tales that brims with great morals, fascinating characters, flying carpets, magic lamps and fairies.
Plot: The past episodes of 'Nojor', which revolves around the members of the Roy family who are compelled to face challenges as their family is surrounded by the dark energies of a witch for generations.