Plot: A contestant must choose from 26 sealed briefcases containing a marker for various amounts of cash from one penny to $1 million. The player then eliminates the remaining 25 cases one by one. The chosen ones are opened and the amount of money inside revealed. After several cases are opened, the player...
Plot: Wlad Lahlal is an Algerian television series, produced and broadcast by Echorouk Group, and directed by Nasir al-Din al-Suhaili. It premiered in 2019 on Echorouk TV and Echorouk Plus. Wikipedia
Plot: Al Qahera Al Youm is an Egyptian live television talk show that broadcasts nearly throughout the year from the 6th of October studios located in Cairo. Al Qahera Al-Youm is one of the most popular and influential shows in the Middle East with millions of viewers world wide. Wikipedia
Plot: Omar or Omar Farouk is a historical Arab television drama miniseries-serial that was produced and broadcast by MBC1 and directed by the Syrian director Hatem Ali. Wikipedia