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Jean Moulin
Genre: History Year Released: 2002 First episode air date: July 15, 2002 Initial Release: July 15, 2002 Director: Yves Boisset Screenplay: Dan Franck Nominations: International Emmy Award for Best TV Movie or Miniseries
Plot: The series revolves around the people of Villeneuve, a fictional town in Jura district in the German-occupied France during the Second World War.
Plot: Les Cinq Dernières Minutes is a crime based French television series, created by Claude Loursais, broadcast from 1 January 1958 till 20 December 1996. The show was aired in four series on several channels. The first series was broadcast in 56 episodes between 1 January 1958 and 7 November 1973 on...
Plot: A TV series adaptated from the classic Alexandre Dumas novel. Edmond Dantes is falsely accused by those jealous of his good fortune, and is sentenced to spend the rest of his life in the notorious island prison, Chateau d'If. While imprisoned, he meets the Abbe Faria, a fellow prisoner whom everyone...
Plot: The series revolves around the people of Villeneuve, a fictional town in Jura district in the German-occupied France during the Second World War.
Plot: Julie Lescaut is a French police television series. It was broadcast from 1992 to 2014 on TF1, La Une-RTBF and TSR. It details the investigations of Police Superintendent Julie Lescaut and her team. The show is aired in various other languages, including German, Catalan, Persian, Slovak, Czech and...
Plot: A remake of "All in the Family" spin-off "Maude" stars Rosy Varte as the French version of Maude Findlay, Maguy Boissier. Maguy Boissier is an independent woman living in the mid-80's through early 90's. Witty and sarcastic, she lives with her likeable husband, George, and works at the town...
Plot: Nestor Burma (Guy Marchand) is a cynical private detective, a serial monogamist and an inveterate saxophone player. Burma investigates murders, missing persons, kidnapping and extortion cases in every arrondissement of The City of Light. It's a tough job, but Burma's just the man for it - with more...
Plot: After the French President is assassinated, political tension rises in the country. The deceased's best friend needs to find a perfect candidate for the upcoming presidential election.
Plot: New Yorker article written by Pulitzer prize-winning author John Hersey, featuring recollections of six survivors of the world's first atomic bomb drop.