Plot: Behind Her Eyes is an upcoming British psychological thriller streaming television miniseries created by Steve Lightfoot, based on the 2017 novel of the same name by Sarah Pinborough, that is set to premiere on Netflix in 2021. The miniseries stars Simona Brown, Eve Hewson, Tom Bateman and Robert Aramayo...
Plot: Thirty years after a disease that turns those infected into carnivorous insects emerges, a teenage girl and a young exterminator search for her mother.
Plot: Midnight Mass is an upcoming supernatural horror web television series created and directed by Mike Flanagan for Netflix. The cast features Zach Gilford, Kate Siegel and Hamish Linklater. Wikipedia
Plot: Animal Planet teams with The Dodo, the top-ranked digital media brand for animal content, to spotlight unmistakable, moving bonds between animals and people. Each episode focuses on one inspiring story of people who will do anything to help animals in need. Along the way, the series explores the personalities...
Plot: Pieces of Her is an upcoming American thriller drama web television series created by Charlotte Stoudt, based on the eponymous 2018 novel by Karin Slaughter, that is set to premiere on Netflix. Wikipedia
Plot: Imaginative boy Ben transforms his city by bringing colourful street art to life, armed with a magic paintbrush and the classic sounds of Motown.
Plot: Guillermo del Toro Presents 10 After Midnight is an upcoming American horror anthology web television series set to premiere on Netflix. Wikipedia
Plot: The Green BeretΓ’s Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse is an upcoming American television comedy anthology series created by and starring Shawn Vance and Daril Fannin. The six-episode scripted anthology series will be released on Netflix. Wikipedia
Plot: BFFs Wesley and Georgie, with their silly cat sidekick Pretzel, transform into ninjas and enter a magical world where they solve problems and save the day.