Plot: Cronica CârcotaÅilor is a weekly satire show on Prima TV hosted by Èerban Huidu, CodruÈ KegheÈ, Cristian Hrubaru and Ioana Petric. Wikipedia
Plot: Fructul oprit is a psychological drama produced by Intact Media Group for Antena 1, which premiered on January 15, 2018. The series is a free adaptation of the novel Ask-i Memnu by Halit Ziya Usakligil, from 1900, and the action is placed in Bucharest, Snagov and Istanbul modern. Fructul oprit is a...
Plot: Las FierbinÈi is a Romanian sitcom that premiered on Pro TV on March 1, 2012, created by Mimi BrÄnescu, and directed by DragoÈ Buliga and Constantin Popescu. Set in a rural place FierbinÈi, the series follows the social and romantic lives of the inhabitants from...
Plot: Aniela, the first Romanian costume drama, tells the story of young Aniela Elefterios who thought she had it all: a promising future and a fiancé of noble descent. But her father's unexpected death will change her life forever and will put her against a society where conventions are all that matters...
Plot: "A new Life" is the sequel to "A Bet with Life". It continues the story of Ioana, Andrei and Lala Band. Andrei now the owner of a music studio is happily in love with Ioana who is looking for a job as a singer. Anca, loses her memory following a car accident. Mara owns a bar called Sha Lala What they...
Plot: Burlacul is a Romanian reality television dating game show debuting in 2010 on Antena 1. The first season was hosted by Lucian Marinescu, in season 2 he was replaced by host and designer CÄtÄlin Botezatu. From season 6 onwards, the series will be hosted by RÄzvan Fodor. There...
Plot: Pariu cu viaÈa is a musical phenomenon comedy-drama television series that airs on Pro TV in Romania. It focuses on a love story between two teenagers with a big passion for music, their family connections and the life of a music group formed at their high school. Wikipedia