Plot: This TV-drama follows Sakai Shintaro, descendant of Sakai Mineji -a Byakkotai samurai-, and traces the tragedy of the Byakkotai, a military force composed of 340 16 to 17 years old boys during the Boshin War (Aizu war).
Plot: An ex-CIA agent and a mysterious billionaire prevent violent crimes with the help of an all-seeing machine that can predict events before they happen.
Plot: SaikÅ no Jinsei no Owarikata: Ending Planner is a Japanese television drama series. It premiered on TBS on January 12, 2012. The drama revolves around the members of the Ihara family who operate a funeral parlor in Tokyo. Wikipedia
Plot: Tokiwa stars as Tamura Nozumi, with a cheerful outlook in life, always choosing to believe in everyone. Fukatsu stars as Sakada Chiharu, an amanuensis (daisho) but goes way beyond her job-scope in carrying out her work. The duo met in a clinic where Sakada helps Nozumi get back at her boss for sexual...