Plot: Making one's home on a tropical island sounds like an expensive proposition, but this house-hunting series shows it can be done within almost any budget as families seek to find their own corner of paradise. The featured properties run the gamut from ultra-affordable to totally outrageous, located...
Plot: The Tasmanian Devil is one of the most unique species to be found in Australia. Its name was given to it by the first settlers, terrified by their shrieks and violent fights. It is a marsupial that never stops looking for food.
Plot: Zoologist and animal trainer Dave Salmoni has travelled around the world to study animals and their ecosystems, often exploring the delicate balance between wildlife and civilization. In this programme, Salmoni is put to the ultimate test as he lives beside some of the world's fiercest creatures, visiting...
Plot: Evidence suggests that species thought to be extinct are still very much alive, and wildlife biologist Forrest Galante ventures from the Florida Everglades to remote jungles in a search for the truth. Galante explores actual stories behind these creatures' purported demise and, using evidence like...
Plot: `Wild Animal Reunions' focuses on the unique bond between humans and wild animals as each story captures the emotional reunions of old friends. One such event that touched the hearts of many was the clip of Christian the Lion, where he was reunited with the men that cared for him and returned him to...