Plot: Birmingham Children's Hospital is one of Britain's busiest hospitals, with hundreds of thousands of patients visiting the facility's 34 specialist departments annually. This programme explores modern-day parenting through the work done at the hospital. The show films in some locations where fixed-rig...
Plot: Each episode of this programme documents what happens during a 24-hour period in the Accident & Emergency (A&E) department at one of Britain's busiest A&E departments, beginning at King's College Hospital in Denmark Hill, London, before moving to St George's Hospital, Tooting in the seventh series....
Plot: Based on the award-winning Web series, "Childrens Hospital" focuses on a group of doctors, nurses and other staffers at, of course, a hospital for children. These doctors are a dedicated bunch -- dedicated to their social lives, raucous senses of humor and healthy libidos, that is. Their focus changes...