Plot: Wakakusa no Charlotte is an anime series produced by Nippon Animation Co. Ltd. It was first aired in Japan between October 29, 1977 and May 27, 1978, and is based on an original story by screenwriter Shun'ichi Yukimuro. Wikipedia
Plot: Dinky Dog is a Saturday-morning animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera Australia, which aired on CBS from September 9, 1978, to September 5, 1981. It was Hanna-Barbera's first show created and produced in Australia. Dinky Dog was originally broadcast as an 11-minute segment on The All New Popeye...
Plot: Louisa May Alcott's semi-autobiographical coming-of-age drama centers on four very different sisters as they embark on the journey from childhood to adulthood during the American Civil War. With the help of their mother, Marmee, Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy March navigate what it means to be a young woman...
Plot: Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars is a French-American animated series created by Sunbow Productions, Abrams/Gentile Entertainment, Continuity Comics and the French company IDDH, co-produced by Marvel Productions and distributed by Hasbro's subsidiary Claster Television. Wikipedia
Plot: Happy Ness: The Secret of the Loch was a children's cartoon that aired in 1995, centering on a community of Loch Ness monsters who could fly and swim. It lasted 13 episodes, and originated in the United Kingdom, also airing in Sweden and other countries on Fox Kids. Wikipedia
Plot: The Enemy's the Pirates!: The Cat's Banquet is a 1989 Japanese science fiction action comedy original video animation series. It's based on a novel series by ChÅhei Kambayashi. Wikipedia
Plot: Twinkle, the Dream Being is an American animated television series that aired in 1992 in syndication in the U.S. and MBC TV in South Korea for Daejeon Expo 1993. The show was produced by Zodiac Entertainment, Sei Young Anitel and Calico Entertainment and MBC. One season was produced, with 26 episodes...
Plot: Wonder Beat Scramble is a Japanese science fiction anime series, which ran from April 16 to November 19, 1986 and featured microbattles in human organisms. Some series are now available for digital download. Wikipedia
Plot: Josephina the Whale is a Japanese anime television series consisting of 24 episodes. It was directed by Kunihiko Yuyama and Yoshikata Nitta; it was first broadcast on Tokyo Channel 12 in 1979. Wikipedia
Plot: Kinkyū Hasshin Saver Kids is an adventure anime series by Tokyo Movie Shinsha, originally created by Lupin the Third creator Monkey Punch. Wikipedia