Plot: Iran Documentary is a 2004 television series produced by the IRIB and directed by Hamid Mojtahedi that shows the beauties of Iran and its history. Wikipedia
Plot: Ravayat-e Fath, variously translated as The Chronicles of Victory, The Tales of Victory, The Narrative of Victory, The Narration of Victory, The Story of Victory, and Witness to Glory, was a war documentary television series directed by Morteza Avini and filmed on the front lines of the IranΓ’...
Plot: Navad was an Iranian, Persian language, popular weekly television programme broadcast by Channel 3 in Iran and hosted by Adel Ferdosipour. The program focused on the football matches played in the Persian Gulf Pro League every week. Wikipedia
Plot: Noon Khe is an Iranian comedy TV series portraying the life of a Kurdish family. It ran for 3 seasons and ninety-eight episodes over the course of 3 years premiering during each Nowruz, the Persian New Year, with the exception of second season that began in the Ramadan of 2020. Wikipedia