Plot: "Music City" is a docuseries that follows some young adults who are entering the next phase in their lives. These friends are chasing their dreams of success, love and fame in Nashville. The road is not always a smooth one, and their journey of self-discovery takes them through some bumps and turns...
Plot: "Larry's Country Diner" is a down-home variety show, set in one of the most homey places in America: a Southern eatery . The weekly series integrates entertainment, interviews and music into the diner settings with a crew of regular characters that includes radio DJs, church lady Nadine, waitress Renae...
Plot: For the ninth consecutive year, Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood host the Country Music Association's ceremony honoring artists in the genre. The broadcast from Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tennessee, features performances by many of the industry's top acts. Scheduled performers for the CMA Awards...
Plot: Today, more people are sleeping rough than at any time since World War Two. Former soldier Ed Stafford spends 60 winter days and nights on the streets with no money and no shelter, to get a first-hand view of Britain's homelessness crisis.
Plot: Singer Penny Gilley -- who was a headliner in Branson, Mo., for four years -- has logged hundreds of thousands of miles performing in locations around the world, including more than 10 tours to Korea. But for this show, the Louisiana native stays relatively close to home by recording the series at...
Plot: Grammy winner Ray Stevens is known for the combination of comedy and music that he has been performing for more than 50 years. Despite being in his 70s, he's still going strong with this variety program in which he welcomes some of the legends of Nashville's music scene. Stevens performs with the guest...
Plot: Honoring country music's finest industry members at Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tenn.; scheduled performers include Garth Brooks, Brothers Osborne, Luke Bryan, Eric Church and Miranda Lambert; Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood host.
Plot: Country music duo Dailey & Vincent hosts this variety show about music, entertainment and lifestyle topics. Jamie Dailey and Darrin Vincent feature musical performances, interviews with guests and segments devoted to cooking -- with humor mixed in. The list of performers and guests often includes a...