Plot: This documentary series explores the world of psychopaths. Over three episodes, the nature of the mental illness is examined, taking a look at personality traits and how these people function in society. In the UK alone there is an estimated 2.5 million psychopaths, often undiagnosed but recognised...
Plot: Some did not understand the laws. Some are imprisoned for crimes they did not commit. Others are just guilty. Revealing the harrowing real-life accounts of young Brits falling foul of the law in foreign lands.
Plot: For most of Britain's prisoners, the ultimate goal while being incarcerated is to be rehabilitated and eventually be released from prison. But there is a small group of inmates deemed so dangerous that they will never be freed. That group includes serial killers, torturers, hired assassins and psychotic...
Plot: The film-maker sheds light on the life situations of people who have been arrested while travelling abroad, usually for trying to smuggle illegal drugs out of a particular country.