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Inside Africa
Description: The host explores the true diversity of the African continent through the various mediums of art, literature, travel, music, food and culture. Genre: TV program Language: English Cast: Isha Sesay
Plot: Famalam travels across the galaxy with a dazzling array of accents, cultural observations and colourful costumes. Famalam gives a glimpse of the latest Nollywood blockbuster, and reveals who might be responsible for internet spam.
Plot: "The Daily Show" alumnus Hasan Minhaj gets the spotlight to himself -- and his name in the title -- on this Netflix original series. The Peabody Award-winning comic explores the modern cultural and political landscape with depth and sincerity. In each weekly episode, he uses his unique comedic voice...
Plot: The Atlanta housewives continue to live their fabulous lives in Georgia's capital city in this incarnation of the popular reality TV franchise. Relationships, a staple of the `Real Housewives' shows, take centre stage as usual as the ladies' love lives experience ups and downs. The sassy women's entrepreneurial...
Plot: The coming of age story of 12-year-old Kingsley, who has a fascination for astronauts and rockets. When Kingsley is pulled to the headmaster's office for being disruptive in class, he discovers he's being sent to a school for those with special needs. Distracted by working two jobs, his parents are...