Plot: Fox News Channel anchor Jamie Colby hosts this series that explores stories of unconventional inheritances. Most people leave big-ticket items like cash, jewelry and real estate in their wills. Then there are folks who leave beneficiaries items that are more unique. Among the unusual circumstances...
Plot: When someone dies, his or her will is the document that outlines what the deceased wants to leave his or her survivors, doling out everything from money to irreplaceable heirlooms and, sometimes, even one final jab at enemies on the way out. The potential inheritances can sometimes become contentious...
Plot: A groundbreaking six-part documentary directed and produced by Andrew Jarecki and produced and shot by Marc Smerling (the Oscar nominees behind `Capturing the Friedmans'). The story delves into the strange history of real estate heir Robert Durst, long suspected in the still-unsolved 1982 disappearance...
Plot: Following the series `Sicily Unpacked', art critic Andrew Graham-Dixon and chef Giorgio Locatelli travel to regions of Italy in `Italy Unpacked'. On a quest to discover the country's cultural heritage, history, food, art and architecture, Graham-Dixon and Locatelli journey to Bologna, Lombardy and...