Plot: In this acclaimed mockumentary series, comedian Chris Lilley portrays five fictitious nominees for the real-life title of Australian of the Year. Each episode follows the daily lives of "heroes" Pat, Ricky, Phil, Ja'mie and Daniel, revealing the unique reasons why they're up for the prestigious title...
Plot: Little J & Big Cuz is an Australian animated television series first screened on the NITV network in 2017. The 13-part series is directed by Tony Thorne and produced by Ned Lander and developed with The Australian Council for Educational Research. Wikipedia
Plot: A programme bringing news from rural Australia to the nation. The multi-award winning show typically features stories, ranging across agri-politics and economics, business and product innovation, animal and crop science, and regional infrastructure.
Plot: Anh's Brush with Fame, also known as Anh Do's Brush With Fame, is an Australian television series, first broadcast on the ABC starting 24 August 2016. The program features comedian Anh Do painting a portrait of a celebrity while interviewing his subject. Wikipedia
Plot: Play School was a British children's television series produced by the BBC which ran from 21 April 1964 until 11 March 1988. It was created by Joy Whitby and was aimed at preschool children. Wikipedia
Plot: Four Corners is an American prime time television drama that ran from February 24, 1998, to March 3, 1998, on CBS. It was produced by David Jacobs. Wikipedia
Plot: This programme provides practical, realistic, and credible horticultural and gardening advice, inspiring and entertaining all Australian gardeners around the nation.
Plot: Hosted by Wil Anderson with a panel of advertising industry experts including Russel Howcroft of George Patterson Y&R and Todd Sampson of Leo Burnett, this series debates all things advertising.
Plot: Scottish vets Dr Chris Allison and Dr Mike Whiteford are best friends who have traded life in the heart of Scotland for the bushlands of Australia.