Plot: A semi-fictionalized account of the Tuskegee Airmen, the first all-African-American Air Force squadron during World War II, the film centers on ambitious young pilot Hannibal Lee (Laurence Fishburne). Despite initial reticence by higher ranking white officers, Lee, along with Walter Peoples (Allen...
Plot: After losing his police officer lover, Christian drag queen Holiday Heart (Ving Rhames) meets 12-year-old Niki (Jessika Quynn Reynolds) and her drug-addicted mother, Wanda (Alfre Woodard). Heart finds relief from heartache and a renewed sense of purpose when he steps in as a father figure to Niki and...
Plot: After an overzealous district attorney's drug bust lands her in jail, single mother Dee Roberts (Nicole Beharie) must face an agonizing choice: Plead guilty and go home a convicted felon, or fight the charges and risk a lengthy prison sentence. Despite her mother's (Alfre Woodard) advice and risking...
Plot: A semi-fictionalized account of the Tuskegee Airmen, the first all-African-American Air Force squadron during World War II, the film centers on ambitious young pilot Hannibal Lee (Laurence Fishburne). Despite initial reticence by higher ranking white officers, Lee, along with Walter Peoples (Allen...
Plot: An autistic girl, Temple Grandin, overcomes the limitations imposed on her by her condition and becomes an expert in the field of animal husbandry.
Plot: Emmy Award-winning and Oscar-nominated actor, playwright, director and producer Laurence Fishburne stars as Nelson Mandela in a three-part, six-hour miniseries. The saga is based on two Mandela autobiographies -- "Conversations With Myself" and "Nelson Mandela by Himself" -- and in addition to detailing...
Plot: After disobeying orders from Col. John Hardesty (Bob Gunton), Sgt. John Libbey (Don Johnson) is sent to an Army base in the American Southwest and, along with Lt. Marshall Buxton (Craig Sheffer), given the horrifying task of sending 500 horses to their deaths. Though Gen. Douglas MacArthur (James Sikking...