Plot: "Into the Wild India" provides a journey into India's wilderness highlighting some of its most iconic creatures. India has many diverse habitats ranging from tundra to extreme desert, rainforest to urban jungle which provide varied ecological and geographical areas for many species to survive. Each...
Plot: Michael Portillo, presenter of `Great British Railway Journeys', `Great Continental Railway Journeys' and `Great American Railroad Journeys', embarks on an adventure to India to experience the country through its extensive railway system. Portillo brings along with him a copy of Bradshaw's "Handbook...
Plot: Wildlife expert Liz Bonnin, actor Freida Pinto and mountaineer Jon Gupta reveal the hidden wonders of India's surprising natural world. This is a land where the tea comes with added elephants, gibbons sing to greet the morning, and tigers dance.
Plot: Sue explores the lives of the people living close to the Ganges river and the challenges facing India as it transforms into one the world's great economic powers. Encompassing the story of modern India in one spectacular river.