Plot: A yellow fusilier fish named Splash and his friend Bubbles, a Mandarin dragonet, explore life under the sea with their pals in "Splash and Bubbles," the newest series from PBS Kids. Co-produced by The Jim Henson Co., the animated series is designed to teach children aged 4-7 about marine life and the...
Plot: This animated series centers on house cat Fred, a dreamer of the great outdoors. Once his family leaves for the day, Fred becomes Nature Cat and with the help of his animal friends, he embarks on action-packed adventures that allow him to explore the natural world. The series is voiced by comic actors...
Plot: A family dog gains the power of speech after the letters in some alphabet soup wind up misrouted to her brain instead of her stomach in this whimsical animated series adapted from books by Susan Meddaugh. The show's focus is teaching young people synonyms and vocabulary. Each episode uses key words...
Plot: Peep is a newly hatched chicken who goes on daily adventures with his friends Chirp the robin and Quack the duck. The pals live a large urban park they call "the big wide world" and is the setting for all their lessons. Peep learns specific science concepts on his travels, while the series also incorporates...
Plot: Earth science and astronomy take center stage in this animated series from PBS Kids. Two neighborhood kids -- Sean and Sydney -- befriend the new kid on the block, Jet Propulsion, who just happens to be an alien from planet Bortron 7. Together they explore the solar system and how it affects the planet...
Plot: Luna the moon guides three friends -- a wombat, a butterfly and a frog -- as they visit new places around the world with their parents' travelling performance troupe.
Plot: Following the adventures of Pinkalicious and her brother Peter. Pinkalicious imagines creative possibilities everywhere she looks. She is an artist at heart-and, like most creative people, she sees the world differently from others.
Plot: A full range of news correspondents from around the world are featured in this overnight offering that includes highlights of the day's events, stories from the West Coast edition of "CBS Evening News With Norah O'Donnell," and unique storytelling. The staff is on hand to cover breaking news and keep...
Plot: Members of the Sparks' Crew -- Lucita Sky, AJ Gadgets, Sara Snap and Benny Bubbles -- work with their teacher, Mr. Sparks, to help people and solve problems.
Plot: The Sharing Circle was a Canadian documentary television series that aired on Citytv, A-Channel and APTN. It featured stories on the aboriginal and First Nations people in Canada. It was filmed in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Wikipedia
Plot: Chef Nick Stellino presents his most cherished recipes as he revisits dishes inspired by his childhood in Sicily. Filmed at his Los Angeles home, Stellino brings Italian classics to life in a way that's easy to follow and easy to replicate. In each episode, Stellino highlights a utensil or ingredient...
Plot: A journey through the mountains, waterways, plains, and Arctic landscapes of Canada, bringing to life twelve thousand years of human inhabitation.
Plot: Tom Sewid explores the rugged Canadian wilderness and culture. Tom experiences the untold stories of centuries-old relics, wild animals and traditional art throughout his outdoor adventures.