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India From Above
Description: In 2019, one of the oldest civilisations on the planet experienced the largest democratic exercise in world history, where more than 850 million voters formed a government. Genre: TV program Cast: Dev Patel
Plot: Following the wildly successful "Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey," Neil deGrasse Tyson returns as host to translate more revelations of science into a lavish transporting experience, taking audiences on a series of spiritual voyages of exploration. The show reveals previously uncharted realms, including...
Plot: Making house calls in the far reaches of Northern Canada is a daunting task in the least, considering the houses may be separated by hundreds of miles. That challenge doesn't stop Dr. Michelle Oakley from performing her many duties as a veterinarian in one of the most rugged environments on Earth. In...
Plot: "The Great British Bake Off" judge and classic car enthusiast Paul Hollywood embarks on a road trip around Europe, visiting a number of countries that have a proud automotive history. Hollywood puts his knowledge and driving skills to the test as he takes to the streets in a fine selection of iconic...
Plot: Maritime mysteries - old and new - come to life in this 10-episode series, combining scientific data and digital re-creations to reveal shipwrecks, treasures, and sunken cities on the bottom of lakes, seas and oceans around the world. Innovative technology allows viewers to see what lies on the floors...
Plot: A follow-up to the 2001 award-winning show "The Blue Planet," this natural history series sees Sir David Attenborough return as narrator and host. A breathtaking exploration of the world's vast oceans, hourlong episodes capture animals and other living organisms in their natural habitat, presenting...
Plot: How did we get here? How did humankind evolve from apes swinging in trees to astronauts walking on the moon? National Geographic's eight-part time-travel adventure series delves deep into history to highlight pivotal "origin" moments that fundamentally and irrevocably created modern living. Host Jason...
Plot: Dr. Albert Lin embarks on a high-tech adventure to revolutionize archaeology, utilizing ground-penetrating radar, LiDar and 3D scanning. Lin is an a National Geographic Explorer, an award-winning scientist, a technologist, and an adventurer with a knack as a storyteller for resurrecting legendary cities...
Plot: Philip Rosenthal is perhaps best known as being the creator of long-running sitcom "Everybody Loves Raymond," but since that show went off the air he has gotten more on-camera exposure. In this series, he takes viewers on a goodwill eating tour of the world. Rosenthal -- joined by friends and family...
Plot: From the award-winning team of filmmaker Darren Aronofsky (`Black Swan') and producer Jane Root (`America the Story of Us'), this 10-part cinematic event series explores the fragility and wonder of planet Earth -- one of the most peculiar, unique places in the universe. Host Will Smith guides viewers...
Plot: Chef Roy Choi worked on the 2014 movie "Chef," which starred Jon Favreau, who also wrote and directed the flick. Choi and Favreau reunite for this cooking travelogue series. The friends travel to different locales around the world and celebrate different flavors, cultures and people. They experiment...
Plot: Celebrity Chef Gordon Ramsay travels around the world to immerse himself into different cultures and cuisines. He then interacts with local chefs to learn and compete with them.
Plot: Academy Award winner Morgan Freeman explores the meaning of life, God, and many big questions in between in an effort to understand how religion has evolved and shaped society. A different divine subject is covered in each hour-long episode, titles of which include `Creation, The Devil Inside, Afterlife...
Plot: Many of the most popular taco styles have long and rich, but little-known, histories; this docuseries explores some of them in this eye-opening, mouthwatering food adventure.
Plot: Adventurer/survivalist Bear Grylls hosts and narrates this six-part docuseries, which draws attention to the volatility of Mother Nature and the resilient animals that survive Earth's most extreme habitats. Each hourlong episode characterizes one of the planet's roughest environments -- including jungles...
Plot: The creators of "Chef's Table" take to the streets in this half-hour series. "Street Food" brings viewers to some of the world's most vibrant cities, where the rich culture of street food is explored. From the hawker stalls of Singapore to the food carts of India, episodes highlight the stories of...
Plot: Six men and women travel to Mars to colonise the planet in 2033. The scientists and people behind the real-life mission show how they are to achieve this feat.