Plot: Little Brown Bear lives in the countryside with Daddy Bear and Mommy Bear. His cousin, Big Red Bear, moves in next door with her family. Thanks to his new playmate, Little Brown Bear discovers a new and exciting world.
Plot: A group of teddy bears have fun living in Teddytown together; Dom, Meeks, Sparky and their red panda friend, Tizzy, tell each other stories of adventure, discovery and what being a good teddy friend really means.
Plot: Everyone is familiar with the story of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears," but there's never been a follow-up that lets people know what happened after Goldilocks found the porridge that was just right. "Goldie and Bear" fixes that by reuniting the girl with Bear as they begin a new, unexpected friendship...
Plot: Young British bear Paddington writes letters to his Aunt Lucy celebrating the new things he has discovered through the day's exciting activities.
Plot: Pim and Pimba play imaginative games with an object they have uncovered in the snow. The penguins, like young toddlers, have a great time pretending that a pot is a hat or a boat, in this exciting fun-filled show.