Plot: In the 1970s, 11 teenage girls were brutally murdered in and around Galveston County, Texas, crimes that remain unsolved. Prompted mostly by the discovery of a confession letter and the work of journalist Lise Olsen and retired police Detective Fred Paige, law enforcement personnel have reopened the...
Plot: A three-night expose into the 2008 murder of toddler Caylee Anthony, one of the most captivating and controversial cases in recent history, sheds new light on the crime and unexpected verdict. Investigative journalists definitively look at every angle of the case and whirlwind prosecution of Caylee...
Plot: Here today, gone tomorrow. Thousands of people go missing in the United States each year, leaving behind only a mystery without any clues. Their stories are told in "Disappeared" through the voices of family, friends and investigators trying to solve the case, with each hourlong episode recounting...