Plot: The twentieth century saw many great changes, from those brought about by war, shifts in cultural values, and great progress in science and technology. Seven well-known figures explore the achievements and contributions of some of the greatest figures of the twentieth century including scientists,...
Plot: Icons was a documentary TV show that aired on G4 from May 1, 2002, to March 4, 2007. It originally focused on significant people, companies, products, history, and milestones in the world of video games. On May 10, 2006, it was announced that Icons was relaunching on June 3 with an episode focusing...
Plot: In the heart of one of the world's most modern cities stands an iconic structure synonymous with refinement, elegance and service, unchanged for over a century. This is an exclusive invitation to go behind-the-scenes of Singapore's grand hotel as it undergoes the most extensive restoration and renovation...
Plot: In this series, comedian Frank Skinner and music broadcaster Suzy Klein explore the evolution of British entertainment in the 100 years before the arrival of TV. The pair take a look at ways Brits have been entertained through technological advances and two world wars, beginning with Victorian-era...
Plot: The history of the warship from the dawn of the 20th century to the present day. Bismarck and Tirpitz were two monsters that threatened Britain's Atlantic convoys.