Plot: Optimistic writer Hannah Miller and neurotic reporter Marty Gold explore a rollercoaster relationship while working together at Chicago Weekly, a magazine where their boss is hard-driving Catherine Hughes. The people surrounding them include Catherine's brown-nosing assistant Jules Bennett, sharp-tongued...
Plot: Darryl Hughley is a successful black businessman who seems to have achieved the American dream. When his family moves into a predominantly white neighborhood in California's San Fernando Valley, he and his family must try to adjust to their new lifestyle while not forgetting who they are and from where...
Plot: Brothers Shawn and Marlon are on the lookout for money and success, though the two are complete opposites. Shawn is responsible and conservative while Marlon is free-spirited and liberal. They are not immune to sibling rivalry, but frequently enjoy being each other's partner in crime.
Plot: Dick Loudon and wife Joanna relocate from New York City to a small town in Vermont, where they run the historic Stafford Inn. They're surrounded by a town full of oddballs and colorful characters, whom Loudon deals with in various states of bemusement.
Plot: Lucy Carmichael, a guileless widow with two children who shares her home with divorcee Vivian Bagley and her son, gets into comical situations and dilemmatic circumstances.
Plot: Naive and ambitious but lacking the skill, Lucy's relentless efforts to get into showbiz often lands herself and her husband into trouble.Her neighbours and friends also get entangled in her antics.