Plot: Tis Agapis Maheria is a dramatic television series by Stratos Markidis and a screenplay Yvonne Metaxaki raised by ANT1. The series takes place in Crete and narrates the vendetta between two families, Stamatakides and Leventogiannides. It first aired on January 16, 2006, the series had two seasons....
Plot: Tis Ellados ta Paidia is a Greek comedy television series that was aired for two seasons by ANT1 TV. The series was created by Dimitris Venizelos and it stars Giannis Bezos, Chrysoula Diavati, Nikos Alexiou, Kostas Evripiotis, Yannis Savvidakis, Dimitris Fragioglou, Yannis Kapetanios and others. Wikipedia...
Plot: Tmima Ithon is a Greek television series produced in 1992-1995, created by Manousos Manousakis and aired by ANT1. The series presents a group of police officers that undertakes the resolution of various cases. A team of police officers, specifically of the Department of Ethics, undertakes to solve various...
Plot: Lalo, a womaniser, gets the shock of his life when he wakes up as a woman after a witch casts a spell on him. Aghast, he tries to go through life with a new identity and even falls in love with a man.
Plot: 2 families belong to different social classes, creating rivalries. Tycoon Leonidas Archos' family, reflected the high society with a large financial surface, came in opposition to the police officer Stathis Theocharis' medium class family.
Plot: Lampsi was the longest running series in Greek television, among the most famous in Greece and Bulgaria. It was aired for more than 14 years by the Greek television station ANT1 nearly every day. Bulgarian television network Nova Television aired "Shine", dėÆ in Bulgarian from 2000 to 2010. Wikipedia...
Plot: Katya has her youngest son with leukemia and urgently needs a bone marrow donor. When he finds out that the daughter of the driver of his house is compatible, he will decide at all costs that she be the donor.
Plot: To kafe tis Charas is a Greek comedy-drama TV series that broadcast on ANT1 for three seasons from September 2003 to mid-2006, before being revived for a fourth season in December 2019. Wikipedia
Plot: Omer is accused by his best friend and his loved one of crimes that did not commit. After years in prison, he flees, assumes a new identity, and goes in search of revenge.
Plot: Stauros, a brilliant student has taken a scholarship to a collage. There, he meets a beautiful girl, Fay and falls in love with her. But her ex boyfriend, Aris wont allow that to happen.
Plot: This story about a virgin girl who accidentally got pregnant by clumsy gynecology that mistakenly should put the invitro to one couple but the gynaecologist put it in to the girl instead. This story about a virgin girl who accidentally got pregnant by clumsy gynecology that mistakenly should put the...
Plot: A series about a priest who despite his religious beliefs finds himself in love with a young student. A priest falls in love with a young artist. Their secret affair is revealed and the Media try to destroy both of them. Apart from their affair, the dirty past of the priest is discovered by a reporter...
Plot: After the death of their father,his three daughters have to confront the wealthiest man in their village(Doukas), who wants to buy their fields. Doukas' son, Sergios decides to marry the oldest daughter(Eleni) so his family will get the fields. Eleni works really hard in order to keep their property...