Plot: The Costa and Strano families find themselves struggling with the harsh reality of Turin between the late 60s and early 70s. Their lives are also intertwined because of the troubled love between their children.
Plot: Un amore e una vendetta is an Italian television series. The eight episode series aired on the Canale 5 network from 12 October through 23 November 2011, and featured Anna Valle, Alessandro Preziosi, and Lorenzo Flaherty. The series was first premiered at the 2011 Rome Fiction Fest at the Parco della...
Plot: Amiche mie is a 2008 Italian television series, originally broadcast on Canale 5. The series follows Anna who becomes dissatisfied with her family life and writes to famous gynecologist and sexologist Giorgio Monesi, known as "Dr. G", for advice. Wikipedia
Plot: It was an anonymous figure who protected the weak and the poor against greedy land barons fighting for power and influence throughout the 15th-century Wars of the Roses in England.
Plot: A politician's son who was murdered more than a decade ago makes a shocking return. As he is welcomed back into the family, suspicions arise about his true identity.
Plot: Cuore contro cuore is a 2004 Italian television series directed by Riccardo Mosca, produced by Taodue and broadcast on Canale 5 during the summer of 2010. The protagonists of the series are Ennio Fantastichini, Isabella Ferrari and Carlotta Natoli. Wikipedia