Plot: Wynonna Earp has been away from her hometown, Purgatory, for years but returns to reluctantly take on the role that Wyatt Earp's heir is destined for -- demon protector. Her task is to take out Revenants, the resurrected souls of the criminals who were taken down at one time by her great-grandfather...
Plot: Neon Genesis Evangelion is a Japanese media franchise created by Hideaki Anno and owned by Khara. Most of the franchise features an apocalyptic mecha action story, which revolves around the efforts by ... Wikipedia
Plot: As multiple star systems get involved in the Clone Wars, the Jedi Knights struggle to keep the peace and defeat the droid army of the Separatists. Meanwhile, an old threat slowly reveals its presence.
Plot: A group of survivors led by police officer Rick Grimes travel in search of a safe and secure home after a zombie apocalypse spreads across the USA.
Plot: Three people, who have no connection to one another, slowly realize that they are all dreaming separate pieces of a common dream. Each is on a personal quest, and they use clues found in their collective dream to help them find the solutions to their mysteries, which include searching for a missing...
Plot: Dorothy Gale finds herself in the mysterious Land of Oz after being caught up in a spiraling tornado. From there onwards, she makes her way to the Emerald City to meet a powerful wizard.
Plot: "Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams" is a 10-episode science-fiction anthology series that journeys into unique worlds beyond the reach of the imagination. Based on short stories written by Dick, each stand-alone episode is inspired by a different story, adapted by a team of leading British and American...
Plot: This post-apocalyptic drama takes place in the year 25 A.E., when an army of lower angels has waged war against mankind. Coming out of the 25-year-long battle are newly fortified cities that protect humans who survived the war. The largest of the cities -- Vega, formerly Las Vegas -- sees two houses...
Plot: When civilization reaches its apocalyptic end, the Copeland family survives the end of the world as they know it, but what will the new world be like? Turns out it's scary, with supernatural creatures, massive storms and a plague among the things that the Copelands must deal with while facing the rapid...
Plot: When the sun starts to kill everything in its path, a plane full of passengers must travel at night in an attempt to escape its destructive power and find some place safe.
Plot: A sign of the apocalypse has begun. Reports of a rapidly changing world for unknown reasons underscore this gritty drama, a prequel to AMC's uber-popular "Walking Dead." The story is told through the lens of high school guidance counsellor Madison Clark. The widowed mother is raising two children single...
Plot: Hundreds of years in the future, things are different than what we are used to after humans have colonized the solar system and Mars has become an independent military power. Rising tensions between Earth and Mars have put them on the brink of war. Against this backdrop, a hardened detective and a rogue...
Plot: The world as we know it has come to an end, due to a rain-carried virus that wiped out nearly everybody in Scandinavia. Six years after that event, two Danish siblings emerge from the safety of the bunker where they have been staying. After discovering all remnants of civilization gone, they join a...
Plot: When an earthquake unleashes dangerous paranormal forces, the beliefs and biases of humankind face a reckoning. Roman Mercer, a troubled medium and local pariah, must fight figurative and literal demons to stop a mass haunting in his remote Alaskan town of Port Moore. The prejudiced townsfolk stand...
Plot: A trio of bounty hunters, known as Killjoys, chases deadly warrants through the Quad, a distant area that is near the start of a violent class war among multiple planets. Gorgeous but deadly Dutch is a top-level Killjoy who has a unique gift for earning people's trust, regardless of their class. The...
Plot: Hundreds of years in the future, the last surviving humans discover a way of sending consciousness back through time, directly into people in the 21st century -- "travelers," who assume the lives of seemingly random people. They're also secretly working as teams to perform missions in order to save...
Plot: Global invasion of an alien attack destroys a huge number of human population within a few days, giving rise to Second Massachusetts, a group formed by the survivors who band together to fight back.
Plot: In this reimagining of the classic Dracula story, the world is dominated by vampires, requiring humans to work together to survive. The series centers on Vanessa Helsing, daughter of famed vampire hunter Abraham Van Helsing, who wakes up after a five-year coma to discover a vampire-controlled world....
Plot: A team including Professor Lucy Preston, her bodyguard Wyatt Logan and engineer Rufus Carlin go back in time to capture Garcia Flynn after he steals a time machine to change American history.
Plot: Astronaut Niko Breckinridge is focused on searching the world for alien intelligence. She leads a crew that is on a mission to explore the genesis of an alien artifact that has been found on Earth. As Breckinridge and her young crew investigate, they face unimaginable dangers on what may end up being...
Plot: Several years since a zombie virus swept across America, there's only one person -- who goes by just Murphy -- known to have survived the infection -- the world's last hope at creating a vaccine. The last functioning viral lab needs blood from him for its antibodies, but the facility is in California...
Plot: Set in the "Z Nation" universe, this series follows a crack team of special forces as it fights for hope in the darkest hours of the zombie apocalypse.
Plot: When a deadly virus seems to have wiped out the entire human race, Phil Miller, a miserable and lonely man, travels across countries in search of other survivors.
Plot: A technological genius and an MIT graduate realise that an asteroid is approaching the Earth and will collide in six months. They team up and try to prevent the apocalyptic event from occurring.
Plot: It's the middle of the 21st century and there are new rules and a completely altered landscape on Earth after three decades of alien races arriving on the planet. Mysterious Nolan and his charge, Irisa, come to the town of Defiance, located atop the ruins of what was St. Louis, in an attempt to keep...