Plot: In an alternate present day, humans, orcs, elves and fairies have been coexisting since the beginning of time. Two police officers, one a human, the other an orc, embark on a routine night patrol that will alter the future of their world as they know it. Battling both their own personal differences...
Plot: A teenager navigates the complexities of high school, family and her sexuality while dealing with new superpowers; based on Charles Forsman's graphic novel.
Plot: Based on the award-winning comic book series by Charles Forsman, `The End of the World' sees two 17-year-old outsiders, James and Alyssa, embark on a road trip to find Alyssa's estranged father, who left home when she was just a child. James, who's pretty convinced he's a psychopath, has decided...
Plot: Socially awkward high school student Otis may not have much experience in the lovemaking department, but he gets good guidance on the topic in his personal sex ed course -- living with mom Jean, who is a sex therapist. Being surrounded by manuals, videos and tediously open conversations about sex, Otis...