Plot: When Jazz Jennings was 2 years old, she asked her mother when a fairy was going to change her from a boy to a girl. Now 14, and nine years removed from the beginning of her transition, Jazz is a transgender young woman with a unique perspective and some unexpected daily experiences. Those are shared...
Plot: Ben is pretty much a normal teenager until after his parents' divorce, when he finds himself facing a more unusual situation: his father, Charlie, is going through a transition and becoming a woman, Carly. "Becoming Us" documents the situation and how Carly's transition affects the rest of the family...
Plot: This groundbreaking docuseries chronicles the lives of couples navigating the most confusing, disappointing and uncertain time in their marriages. Imagine what a woman is thinking when her husband finally builds up the courage to share with her this life-altering truth: He identifies as a different...
Plot: Reality shows about modeling and fashion have been done before, but what makes "Strut" different is that the models featured on the program are all transgender. The show, which has Whoopi Goldberg as one of its executive producers, follows several models who try to overcome gender and beauty stereotypes...
Plot: Reflecting its mission to present a kaleidoscope of human emotions and experiences, Discovery Life Channel profiles a group of women from Kansas City, Missouri - all friends, some couples - who are transgender. The five-episode series - the first of its kind, the network says, to embed with real-life...
Plot: It's, perhaps, the most complicated and emotional decision a young person will make: whether to have sex or remain celibate. MTV continues its partnership with the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy in presenting "Virgin Territory," a docu-reality series that openly delves into...
Plot: Caitlyn Jenner's first public appearance since her transition included making an impassioned, heartfelt speech at the ESPY Awards about the need for understanding transgender issues and "accepting people for who they are." For her part, Caitlyn -- formerly known at Bruce Jenner -- eagerly welcomes...
Plot: Honesty, humour and heart are at the centre of this original documentary series, which highlights the outgoing personalities and amazing abilities of seven young adults born with Down syndrome. Hourlong episodes follow the Southern California residents as they pursue passions and dreams, explore friendships...
Plot: The docuseries "I'm Married to A ..." shows that love really has no boundaries. Viewers get a true-life look at unconventional relationships and how partners find love and acceptance while living outside the mainstream. In each episode two couples share their stories of overcoming obstacles to maintain...