Plot: The Norwegian version of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" where the top prize of 2,000,000 NOK amounts to about 200,000 USD. The Norwegian version of the hit television quiz show, "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" Starting with easy multiple-choice questions that gradually get more challenging, contestants...
Plot: Hong Kong version of the hit game show, Who Wants to be a Millionaire?. A Hong Kong version of the popular quiz show. Contestants start off with easy questions, but as they move forward the questions get more and more challenging. To help them out, they are given "lifelines" that let them either eliminate...
Plot: Lykkehjulet is the Danish version of the Wheel of Fortune television game show. Airing in 1988, the show was the first big American game show to be imported to Denmark and it was one of the first successes for Danish broadcaster TV2 when it became Denmark's second TV channel in 1988. Wikipedia