Plot: A womanizer and a cute woman (in a 10 year relationship going nowhere) on business trip are seated next to each other on a full train from Seoul to Busan. They start talking when she accepts she can't escape him. After attending an institutional event with his wife Ana Chantalle, the President of the...
Plot: AÃda is a Spanish sitcom that aired on Telecinco from 16 January 2005 to 8 June 2014. Set in Madrid, it is a spin off of the sitcom 7 Vidas, on which AÃda was a recurring character. It was produced by Globomedia. Wikipedia
Plot: After a demonstration of a kitchen robot by five women goes awfully wrong and kills one of them, the other four try to hide the accident out of fear of the consequences of their actions. Mayte Soldevilla (Toni Acosta) is a mother who is currently selling copies of the TurboThunder 3000, a last-gen kitchen...
Plot: Aquà hay tomate was a popular Spanish television program produced by Salta and issued by the chain Telecinco. It premiered on March 24, 2003, broadcasting Monday to Friday afternoon, the final broadcast was February 1, 2008. Wikipedia
Plot: El Tiempo del Descuento is a Spanish reality show produced by Zeppelin TV and broadcast on Telecinco on 12 January 2020. In this show, several Gran Hermano VIP 7 housemates return to the house in Guadalix de la Sierra, overcome the past and fight together to solve their unfinished business. Wikipedia...
Plot: Spanish TV program which forms part of the so-called "gossip genre" dedicated to discussing news related with the private life of national celebrities.
Plot: Paramparça is a Turkish television drama series produced by Endemol Shine Turkey, starring Erkan Petekkaya. It premiered on Star TV on December 1, 2014. Wikipedia