Plot: Juacas is a Brazilian television series created by Carina Schulze and produced by Chatrone and Cinefilm and broadcast by Disney Channel Brazil since July 3, 2017. It is the second original national series produced by Disney Channel in Brazil, after Que Talento!. The story combines comedy, action and...
Plot: Jungle Nest is an action comedy and adventure television series produced by Non Stop and Disney XD Latin America, being the second program of Disney XD in Argentina, after Peter Punk. It premiered on 13 February 2016, and ended on 5 June 5, 2016. Wikipedia
Plot: Pajama Party is an American talk show broadcast in 2000 and hosted by Katie Puckrik. The series was an American remake of the British television series Pyjama Party also created by Puckrik which she hosted in 1996. Wikipedia
Plot: Luna lives with her family in Cancun, where she has a group of friends at school. However, her life changes when her parents receive an offer of work and must move to Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Plot: Frustrated about the 21st century, a teenage girl swaps places with her ancestor with a dressing table. Traveling through the 19th century, alongside her brother, she witnesses major historical events of the brazilian history.