Plot: Oscar winner Geoffrey Rush stars as legendary intellectual Albert Einstein in this series that tracks the famed professor's life. The story spotlights Einstein's humble origins as a young, rebellious thinker and his struggles to be recognised by the establishment of academia before finally being accepted...
Plot: Tom and Hanna have yet to settle into life over the hill, and old lovers emerge. The kids are suddenly behind the wheel, and colonoscopies are deemed a suitable topic of dinner-party conversation.
Plot: Wilhelm and his younger friends, Friedhelm, Charlotte, Viktor and Greta, part ways in the summer of 1941 in Berlin, with the promise to reunite after the war.
Plot: Toni Hamady is tired of living a life of crime and wants to change things so he can have a quiet existence with his wife and daughter. That plan doesn't come to fruition, though, when a police sting that has devastating consequences crosses his path. He is forced to again step up as the leader of his...
Plot: In 1942, the crew of U612, a German U-boat, embark on their maiden voyage. Meanwhile, a young woman finds herself caught between the Gestapo and the French Resistance.
Plot: A teenager navigates the complexities of high school, family and her sexuality while dealing with new superpowers; based on Charles Forsman's graphic novel.
Plot: Generations clash when the feisty daughter of a dance studio owner defies her mother's wishes and embraces the fight for gender equality in 1950s Berlin.
Plot: In a divided Germany in 1983, naive 24-year-old East German soldier Martin Rauch is pulled from his benign post as a border guard and given a new assignment: undercover spy for the Stasi foreign service in West Germany. Hiding in plain sight as Moritz Stamm in the West German army, Rauch must gather...
Plot: After being wrongly fired, a young investment banker receives an offer for her dream job. Forced to give up everything, she commits to her new position, but realises that her former boss has been manipulating her.
Plot: Three people's fates are interwoven in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in 9 A.D., during which Germanic warriors halt the spread of the Roman Empire.