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Hollywood Girls Night
Description: Alison Sweeney and Ali Landry invite cameras into their weekly "Hollywood Girls Night". Genre: Reality Year Released: 2011 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 6 First episode air date: November 27, 2011 Genre: Reality television
Plot: This comedy-drama is inspired by Norman Lear's 1975 series of the same name. This time around, the series follows the life of Penelope, a newly single Army veteran, and her Cuban-American family, as they navigate the ups and downs of life. Now a nurse, Penelope is raising two strong-willed children...
Plot: Having grown up in Florida, series creator and executive producer Laura Chinn draws upon her real-life experiences in the Sunshine State for this comedy about four broke girls who are forced to take stock of their lives when their best friend moves out of their shared mobile home to start a career....
Plot: Becoming famous at a young age is a unique situation that most people don't experience in their lives. For those that do, it can be difficult to be in show business as a kid so having friends in the industry can be helpful. It's even better when those friendships last into adulthood, as is the case...
Plot: Based on the CollegeHumor webseries of the same name, "Hot Date" is a sketch-comedy series that chronicles the social waters of dating, sex, marriage and diving into the ritual of romance. Husband and wife duo Emily Axford and Brian K. Murphy star as heightened versions of themselves. The two stars...
Plot: Joe is a slacker and has just been willed the broken-down family gym from his father Colonel Tom Force when he unexpectedly passes away. But in order to receive the family estate and the fortune, Joe must take on his arch-nemesis in The National Aerobics Championship. `Let's Get Physical' is a modern...
Plot: Who says women aren't funny? This stand-up comedy series, filmed in front of a live audience at a comedy club, sets out to prove that they are. Hosted by Kate Flannery ("The Office"), each episode features three female comics whose acts are dominated by material for and about women. Among the comics...
Plot: Hollywood 411 is an entertainment news and gossip television show that originally premiered on August 12, 2005 but later started on January 14, 2008 on the TV Guide Network and is hosted by Chris Harrison. The show was previously hosted by Madison Michele with guest hosts Marc Istook, Tanika Ray, and...
Plot: Former New Kids on the Block member Joey McIntyre began an acting career after the group first disbanded in the 1990s, and those worlds collide in this scripted comedy series. McIntyre plays a version of himself, along with his real-life family -- wife Barrett and children Griffin, Rhys and Kira --...
Plot: Celebrity Big Brother: After Dark is a spinoff of the American reality series Celebrity Big Brother, and is the Celebrity version of Big Brother: After Dark. It premiered on the U.S. cable channel Pop. The series began on February 7, 2018. Wikipedia
Plot: Hollywood's A-list ex-wives are sometimes left to pick up the pieces, left to chart their own course and make a name for themselves out of the limelight of their famous, former husbands. "Hollywood Exes" follows a cast of women who, not coincidentally, has been friends for years and now has one another...
Plot: Now that "Jersey Shore" has washed out to sea, what is cast member Vinny Guadagnino up to? Some new tricks, it seems, with a transition to "The Show With Vinny." It's a combination reality series and talk show in which Guadagnino welcomes celebrity guests into his home on Staten Island, N.Y. Off-the...
Plot: If Peter Brady can do it, why not A.C. Slater? Best known for his role on the teen sitcom "Saved by the Bell," Mario Lopez takes his turn in front of reality-TV cameras, giving viewers a peek into his personal life as he transitions from stud bachelor to co-parenting alongside girlfriend Courtney Mazza...
Plot: "The Biggest Loser" celebrates a dozen seasons by welcoming two new trainers to the show: professional tennis player Anna Kournikova and fitness expert Dolvett Quince. Also new to the show, for the first time contestants are grouped by age in what is being dėÆ the Battle of the Ages with three teams...
Plot: Alan Thicke is best known for playing a husband and father on classic sitcom "Growing Pains," but he also plays the same roles in real life with much younger wife Tanya and opinionated teenage son Carter by his side. "Unusually Thicke" offers a "reality-ish" -- an adjective used by Thicke to describe...
Plot: Long-running reality staple "Big Brother" is so popular that the three episodes a week that usually air during its season aren't enough to satiate the show's devoted fans. They want more, which is where this late-night show fits into the equation. The program features a curated live feed from inside...
Plot: Carnie Wilson, Wendy Wilson and Chynna Phillips are collectively known as Wilson Phillips, a musical group that enjoyed some success in the late '80s and early '90s before taking a decade-long hiatus and reuniting in 2004. Now the ladies are doing what many stars of their era do -- star in a reality...