Plot: The Campbell family is wild about boars, but the feeling isn't mutual. This real-life series follows former Texas Ranger and legendary hog hunter Jerry Campbell, along with his son and daughter, in their efforts to help Texas residents and ranches deal with invasive wild boars. Armed with custom off...
Plot: They are aggressive and destructive, not to mention intelligent, and until recently they've been left alone in their natural habitat. But those days are rapidly disappearing for free-roaming wild hogs. This series documents the work of three animal removal companies in Texas, Hawaii and Florida as...
Plot: Brian Quaca is an excitable Texan, especially when it involves hunting and trapping wild boar, which cause billions of dollars of property damage annually in his home state. Quaca's over-the-top personality -- punctuated by extreme confidence and a loud, distinctive voice -- earned his "Pigman" moniker...
Plot: Tobacco farming has been a staple of life for many families in Kentucky for a number of generations. The tobacco that is harvested in the Bluegrass State is a particular type of the crop, dark fire tobacco, that is particularly lucrative with an annual value of about $3,000 per acre. The competition...
Plot: It's a story of beauty and the beast -- or more appropriately beauty vs. the beast -- in "Lady Hoggers" as best friends Christie Chreene and Julie Snead hunt and capture wild hogs on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Chreene is the taller of the two, with dark hair, while Snead is a perky, confident blonde...
Plot: Twice a year, hunters head into the wilderness on the rugged island of Kodiak, Alaska, in search of the Kodiak brown bear, the world's largest land predator. "The Hunt" documents the pursuit, detailing the miles of treacherous terrain and tough weather conditions the hunters face during the 10-day...
Plot: What do Charles Darwin, Theodore Roosevelt and Russell Knight have in common? They all studied taxidermy. The difference is Knight decided to make taxidermy his career and opened Knight's Taxidermy, a family-run shop based in Alaska that is known worldwide for doing some of the finest work in the industry...
Plot: Successful businesspeople have a lot that they can teach aspiring entrepreneurs and others who are trying to get into the business world. On "Follow the Leader," business journalist and author Farnoosh Torabi tries to get inside the heads of giants in the industry to know what it took for them to get...
Plot: Selling real estate in the Los Angeles area can be a glamorous job, as `Million Dollar Listing' proves. The show follows young real estate agents as they try to sell high-end properties in the Los Angeles area, including Beverly Hills and Malibu. The agents use their charm, good looks and business...