Plot: This police drama series follows the activities in and around Sun Hill, a police station located in the fictional East London borough of Canley. The focus is not just the gritty reality of police work, however; the lives and loves of the officers who staff the precinct get equal play.
Plot: A documentary series that gives a historical account of the events of World War II, from its roots in the 1920s to the aftermath and the lives it profoundly influenced.
Plot: In a comedy-drama set in the 1960s, a South Wales coal mining community is changed forever following the death of the local doctor, whose replacement comes as quite a shock to the villagers. High-flying Delhi graduate Dr Prem Sharma and his wife, Kamini, eschew a glamorous lifestyle in London for the...
Plot: `Raiders of the Lost Past' goes back to the golden age of treasure hunting to explore some of the world's enduring ancient and sacred mysteries. Using dramatic reconstructions, the series features investigative journeys that shed light on who the enigmatic, intrepid and driven explorers were and how...
Plot: Who said storytime is just for kids? `Crackanory' features dark and funny stories for adults that tell tales of life in the 21st century. Each episode features two 15-minute stories, brought to life through a mixture of live-action and animation, narrated by a variety of the most famous names in comedy...
Plot: Following the engineers and aviators who battle to keep the UK's most historic warplanes in the air. Telling the stories of the airfield where the workshop is located, the men and women who flew the plane, the part it played in military history.
Plot: This two-part documentary tells the story of three extraordinary individuals, who devoted their lives to searching for Nazi leaders still at large post-World War II. It follows Simon Wiesenthal, a survivor of Nazi death camps, and his relentless pursuit of those who terrorised and tortured him, only...
Plot: Presenter Chris Barrie explores pivotal moments in Britain's recent engineering past. Beginning with the 1910s, he examines the inventions that industrialised the nation and paved the way for World War I, then moves to the technology of the 1920s and decades beyond. From a nostalgic look at trains...
Plot: Declassified: Untold Stories of American Spies is a documentary series that details important cases, missions and operations of the American intelligence community, told firsthand by the men and women who worked them. Wikipedia
Plot: A six-hour programme details events during three decades in which two world wars caused terrible death and devastation. It depicts the battles through the eyes of powerful men like Roosevelt, Hitler and Mussolini. The documentary shows the conflicts in a continuous timeline from 1914 to 1945, with the...
Plot: The story of the WWII through the ten most pivotal turning points in the conflict. Gripping story-telling, illustrated with restored archive and supported by a global cast of stellar historians bring this crucially important era in history to life.