Plot: In this three-part documentary, Richard Hammond takes a journey into the parallel universe that lies beyond the limits of the naked eye. Using state-of-the-art technologies, Hammond discovers the world beyond these limits and explores the hidden secrets of the invisible world around us, from natural...
Plot: This magazine-style show tackles current affairs and other issues in the UK using a mix of interviews, topical stories and features. Regular contributors offer reports relating to such subjects as history, wildlife, consumer affairs, and health and medicine.
Plot: Archaeologist and historian Richard Miles traces the development of Western civilization, from the first cities in Mesopotamia to the fall of the Roman Empire. In this six-part series, Miles travels through the Middle East, Egypt, Pakistan and the Mediterranean to discover how the challenges of society...
Plot: This co-production of the BBC and the Science Channel is hosted by physicist Brian Cox ("Wonders of the Universe"), who is fascinated by the wonders of our planet and the laws of nature that created them. In this five-part series he travels the globe to examine some of the most compelling phenomena...
Plot: Genius of Britain: The Scientists Who Changed the World is a five-part television documentary presented by leading British scientific figures, which charts the history of some of Britain's most important scientists and innovators. Wikipedia
Plot: Geologist Iain Stewart demonstrates the power of plants and the crucial role they have played in the Earth's evolution. The three-part series reveals how plants harnessed light from the sun and created our life-giving atmosphere; formed the fertile soil allowing life to come ashore; created the planet...
Plot: Humans have evolved greatly through the years -- from forest ape to the most-powerful species on the planet. In this documentary programme, anatomist Alice Roberts uses the human body, from the way people walk to the shape of our faces, to illustrate how humans have evolved. Among the clues Roberts...
Plot: It's hard nowadays to imagine what life was like before the Internet and World Wide Web made the world a much smaller place. This four-part series of one-hour episodes tells the stories of America's biggest corporations and the few computer experts who started an Internet revolution with their new...
Plot: Co-produced by the BBC and presented by Oxford professor Marcus du Sautoy, this miniseries covers such subjects as the invention of zero and the Riemann hypothesis, the contributions of great mathematicians including Pythagoras, Plato and Euclid, and some of the biggest unsolved problems that confronted...
Plot: Pain, Pus and Poison: The Search for Modern Medicines is a 2013 BBC documentary on the history of pharmaceuticals presented by Michael Mosley. Wikipedia
Plot: "Earth: The Biography" reveals the geological forces that have shaped the planet, specifically volcanoes, the oceans, the atmosphere and ice. Computer-generated imagery and the use of satellite photography offer a balance between dramatic visuals and illuminating facts, while time-lapse photography...
Plot: Michael Mosley explores the extraordinary processes that human bodies undergo in order to sustain life. He also talks to different people around the world who have gone through remarkable changes.
Plot: Over five episodes, this miniseries explores the powerful influence that geology, geography and climate have had on humankind, an influence much greater than has previously been acknowledged. Geologist and professor Iain Stewart travels to different parts of the world, revealing how the natural planet...
Plot: Though once thought to be a form of magic, electricity is now essential to modern human society. In this series, professor and host Jim Al-Khalili tells the history of electricity and humans' pursuit to master it. Al-Khalili begins with the early achievements and breakthroughs and finishes with more...